GEDI, the acronym for Global Executive Dynamics Inventory is a unique assessment that helps executive teams to uncover the interpersonal dynamics that shape their results. Through our decades of work with executives, and our academic careers, we have discovered how the characteristics of the top management shape their strategic choices, which determines the survival, growth and profitability of organisations.

Our work has also exposed us to an understanding of how a team, and what happens in teams, is not just the sum of the behaviour of individual team members. Teams go through processes of emergence, where the interpersonal dynamics shape the nature and effect of the team as a whole. Because of this emergence, we need to understand the group-level nature of executive teams.

The formula is simple. A healthy top team drives healthy organisational results.

Your GEDI report gives you a deep dive into salient team characteristics that either support or hinder the success of your team. This is not a psychological assessment, but a situational assessment and the salience of different viewpoints can change with time. We also do not prescribe which the GEDI pillars you should value. Please keep in mind that worldwide research has shown that each of the GEDI elements underpin your success. The GEDI is called a global inventory as it provides a broad overview of the dynamics of your team.

How to use this report

Because the report sometimes uncovers situational concerns of team members, we recommend that the interpretation of the team results happen in partnership with a master coach experienced in executive coaching. The team level assessment may also result in individuals in the teams uncovering personal needs, and we encourage individual coaching in such instances.

Interpretation of results

We communicate through graphs familiar to senior people. All scores are representations of a total numerical score of 100. The funnel graph shows the relative scores of each pillar of the team. Comparative bar charts show the relative scores of anonymous individuals in relation to the team. The scatter plot charts indicate how widely dispersed or aligned the team’s viewpoints are, and whether there are outliers.

We welcome you to GEDI and trust that the insights will bring good rewards!


See sample report


GEDI assessments