Organization development is the process that helps organizations build their capacity to change and achieve greater effectiveness by developing, improving, reinforcing strategies, structures, policies and processes

Here are some ways that we put our insights and strengths to work for you;
HR Audit
We evaluate varied documents, tools and systems in your organization to measure the quality and standards through which your teams deliver. This through review help to identify gaps and needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function. In addition, it helps to assess compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations.
HR Surveys
We offer varied surveys to organizations by performing a need analysis ahead of developing tools and questionnaires to solicit targeted or employee opinions on a variety of issues such as Employer Engagement and other local issues such as the Working Environment. We also use online assessments to support these activities.
Performance Management
We help organizations come up with a continuous process of improving performance by setting individual and team goals which are aligned to the strategic goals of the organization, planning performance to achieve the goals, reviewing and assessing the progress and developing the knowledge skills and abilities of the teams.
In addition, we also develop bespoke coaching programs that support senior management towards inculcating and enhancing a performance culture for their respective business functions.
System, Policies & Procedures
Regardless of the size of your organization developing formal policies and procedures can make things to run more smoothly and efficiently. We help organizations come up with these policies and procedures based on their specific needs and assist on enforcing them.
Job Evaluation
We analyse and asses various jobs systematically to ascertain their relative worth in your organization. We will do an assessment of the relative worth of various jobs on the basis of a consistent set of job and personal factors, such as qualifications and skills required. This will in turn help organization in reducing inequality in salary structure and select the best employees.
Organization Re-structure
We help organizations in deciding which employees and jobs to retain and which to let go by setting up strategies and basing them on new job roles that will be given to the retained employees. Then we help them come up with a way of restructuring based on the factors that contributed and the needs of the organizations.